Denise Hanna
A few of you have asked about the cats, as in “What’s up with the cats?” Well, I’ll tell you… For much of my adult life I have lived with cats. This is not because I have a particular affinity for felines, although I like them well enough. Rather, it is because many of the […]
For those of you as may not know, my best friend, my partner–my love, my wife died on the 29th of March of this year. I am such a better man for having been her partner, if not her equal. At times, still, I cannot imagine a future without her, even as she so generously […]
Hi, Well, we’re back in Washington DC after a driving trip across the northern-ish and central slice across the middle of the United States. Our travels took us through 19 states and the Province of Ontario We did learn a few things. 64 or 76 Days We were on the road for 64 or 76 […]
Continue reading about An Accounting… (relatively long note)
Hi, We’ve been basking in hot springs, sleeping in a campground 25 miles off the pavement on an old logging road, lunching in a neighborhood park in Kalispell, riffing about electromagnetic anomalies with the proprietor of the Montana House of Mystery vortex and then cruising the margins of Flathead lake; Montana is pretty swell, even […]
Hi, I suppose that any worry I may have had about this series of missives turning into a sort of dull travelogue is ended with the fact that you’ve heard nothing from us as we crossed the high plains, traveled the length of the Colorado Rockies, trudged through the high desert or turned the corner […]