Road Trip
“Road Trip” turns out to be a foreign concept, a strange idea easily supplanted by another, more familiar one. “Expeditious Travel,” perhaps. Originally conceived as a leisurely journey in a comfortable camping car, our western summer road trip has quickly evolved through several permutations, including “tenting in different fields and forests,” “overnighting in a couple […]
Well, it turns out that I come from a racist place. I don’t mean the Dominican Republic; I’m not entirely sure if I’m referring here to the United States, or just to what’s inside my own head. But either way: definitely racist. I suppose the possibility that our nation is racist should not be news […]
Are you familiar with bottle trees? In parts of the American South–places like Mississippi, Alabama, and Takoma Park, Maryland, there is a tradition of stringing empty glass bottles from the branches of trees, or inverting them over twig ends on the trees. The result can be quite lovely and, seemingly, effective. The tradition holds that […]
Hi, If you’ve come to this page for reflections on living in Las Galeras, RD the Archives and some of the Photo pages are for you. Johnny and Anna are holding the fort for us in Las Galeras until our return in November, but I’ve no recent posts about life in the Dominican. The most […]
Hi, Well, we’re back in Washington DC after a driving trip across the northern-ish and central slice across the middle of the United States. Our travels took us through 19 states and the Province of Ontario We did learn a few things. 64 or 76 Days We were on the road for 64 or 76 […]
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