Hi, Today, the day we commemorate the legacy of Martin Luther King, I’m reflecting on the paucity of genuine and progressive leadership across all manner of institutions in the United States and trying to not get too depressed. Maybe we should stop waiting for the powerful and charismatic leader of masses and simply push smaller […]
Hi, Well, Heather and Chad have been here for a few days and seem to be enjoying themselves. They’re quite good guests, largely self-entertaining, they cook, and–most importantly–they religiously follow the pretty stringent water conservation practices of the casa, about which more, later. As I said, they’re pretty independent and require no hand-holding. Nevertheless, they’ve […]
Hi, A few of you have commiserated with our various encounters and travails, which is quite thoughtful and gratifyingly loyal of you. You are to be commended. But I must clarify our experience, less we leave you with a less than accurate vision of our lives here in the Republica Dominicana. Simply put, we love […]
“Voopa, voopa” is a bit more descriptive of the sound that I wish I was making with my hand saw and this monstrous pile of “bruta” lumber. Unfortunately, my hand saw is of the toolbox variety, so “voop” is about the best I can manage. Those of you who know from experience what a toolbox […]
Hi, We’ve been preparing for our first house-guests when Heather and her pal Chad arrive on Thursday for 10 days or so. The preparations have taken on a little more substantial cast than we’d originally planned. For example, in anticipation of a satisfactory bid from our carpenter, I’d removed a portion of the decayed deck […]