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Incredibly enough, I’m in Texas. Have been for a month.

You’ve probably heard that Texas is big. Well, Texas IS big. It is also largely boring.

You may not realize this (I didn’t) but the ambient daylight is very, very bright. “Glaring” is not an extravagant exaggeration.

“Why Texas,” I can hear you thinking. There’s a good reason.

A friend and retired officer of the AFL-CIO, Linda Chavez-Thompson, is running as a Democrat for the office of Lieutenant Governor. My union, the Painters and Allied Trades, has once again stepped to the plate in support of the broad labor agenda and is underwriting my costs to work with the unions here in Texas. And so I’ve been here since early October, not recruiting, organizing or coordinating volunteers, but stuffing envelopes and compiling literature packets and walking precincts. It’s been humbling and invigorating and enlightening all at the same time.

Unfortunately, I believe that our candidate is going to get her clock cleaned.

Her goal in this campaign is to mobilize the Latino, women’s and labor communities and educate them as to the differences between the candidates from the top to the bottom of the party tickets. Even in a considerably constrained situation, she has performed a yeoman-like effort.

No one who knows Linda personally is surprised by this.

Anyway, we’ll continue to plug along here through the election and then I’ll drift north to Wisconsin to visit with my mom before returning to Washington and then on to Las Galeras on Thanksgiving.

I hope to see many of those of you in the D.C. area before decamping, and I do think of all of you more frequently than you may imagine.

Be sure and vote on Tuesday, if you haven’t already done so.

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